Who wrote the skits?
The sketches available from this site are written by Graeme Coulam, a freelance writer with TV (BBC TV), radio (BBC radio 1 & 2) and theatre credits (Maddermarket Theatre) in the UK. He has also performed one-man shows at the Edinburgh Fringe and on the stand-up comedy circuit in London, at venues such as The Comedy Store and Jongleurs. His hundreds of magazine credits range from Bowls International to The Chemical Engineer.
About half of the sketches offered through this site have been written especially for this purpose. Others have been performed for church and secular audiences at a variety of venues. All are inspired by Graemes personal faith in the saving grace of Jesus and acceptance that the death and resurrection of Jesus have paid the price for the sin of all believers.
At the same time, they are written in the humble belief that I do not have all the answers to the difficult questions of faith, nor a complete picture of who God is and what He wants. The fictional characters in these sketches are not to be identified with any person, or group of people. They represent all of humanity, sometimes foolish, sometimes wise, but always falling short of the Glory of God. Similarly, the representations of God, or Biblical characters, are generally written deliberately to reflect our flawed understanding. The purpose of drama is to reveal the human condition, in all of its strength, its beauty, and its weakness.
None of the sketches are written with the intention of causing offence, and I can only apologise if any offence is caused. Sometimes, though it is necessary to cause offence. Jesus was never afraid to offend the religious hierarchy of his day, and whilst he could always do it from a position of authority, the rest of us cannot use fear of causing offence as a reason for doing nothing. But we can humbly approach God for forgiveness when we get it wrong.
Five of the sketches in Volume 2 were written by Ed Wicke, an American author living in the UK.